Laser Training Bootcamp Options

Laser Training Bootcamp has several options to fit different budgets and different schedules. Below are are some of the benefits of each option so you can choose which one is best for you.


    Online Laser Training Bootcamp


    16 hours of book study

    184 page PDF course textbook

    PDF copies of all illustrated slides

    Earn a certificate of laser training upon successful completion of the course post-test.

    Buy Online Bootcamp 

    In-Person Laser Training Bootcamp


    plus travel costs

    184 page PDF course textbook

    PDF copies of all illustrated slides

    12 hours of hands-on practice

     Lunch and morning coffee provided

    Earn a certificate of laser training upon successful completion of the course post-test.

    National Certification Exam  - Proctored on site with bonus Review Lecture given by Greg Absten of the NCLC

    Access to Forms, Consents, Protocols

    Follow Up Advice with Dr. Ciochettti regarding laser purchases

    Buy In-Person Bootcamp 

    Hands on Practice Session


    plus travel costs

    Can be done at your location or at our training center in Denver

    Includes access to forms, consents, protocols, and equipment lists

    Minimum 4 hours

    Call to Schedule Session 

"Loved it! Exactly what I was looking for — thoroughness, ethical, lots of safety information."

—Laser Bootcamp Participant

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is a good candidate for the laser training bootcamp?

This program is for any physician, nurse, aesthetician, or technician who wants to learn the basics of laser aesthetics. It gives you the background needed to knowledgeably talk about laser, IPL, and LED platforms with manufacturers before committing to a purchase.

If you’re a medical professional, or you’re interested in entering the aesthetics field as a medical professional, this course could be ideal. Many nonphysicians who are already working in medical offices take the course to gain all the academic training they need and then receive hands-on training from the medical staff in their offices.

Upon successful course completion, you’ll receive a certificate of laser training. This course is approved for 41.2 nursing CEUs and qualifies for category II CME.

Will I be able to perform laser treatments after this course?

Individual state medical boards govern medical treatments, including laser and other light-based treatments, as they see fit. Some states have specific requirements, while others don’t. Check with your state medical board before taking the course to find out whether this program can benefit you in your current or planned role.

What topics does the laser training bootcamp cover?

Our Laser course includes everything you need to gain a solid foundation in the field of energy and light-based aesthetic treatments. You’ll learn about the different uses for light-based skin treatments, including: 

Laser hair removal and IPL hair removal

Lasers remove hair using a single concentrated beam of light, while IPL hair removal uses scattered light pulses at multiple wavelengths. Both can be effective for hair removal, but the best choice for each patient can depend on their hair color and skin tone. 

Vascular lesion and vein treatment

Both lasers and IPL are used in vascular lesion and vein treatment. In general, IPL is good for general skin redness while the laser is ideal for targeted spider vein or vascular lesion reduction. Light-based treatments can minimize vascular lesions and veins in as little as a single session, depending on the situation. The heat forces vein closure, so the blood is rerouted and the patient gradually disposes of the vein tissue naturally.

Non-ablative skin rejuvenation

Non-ablative skin rejuvenation treats a wide range of skin concerns like hyperpigmentation and rough texture by stimulating collagen growth under the skin. It doesn’t remove the skin, and is thus considered a mild skin rejuvenation treatment. There are non-ablative skin lasers, as well as IPL devices.

Ablative skin resurfacing

Ablative skin resurfacing removes the top layer of skin to expose new undamaged skin. An ablative laser also stimulates collagen growth to help with wrinkles, acne scars, and general skin smoothing. Ablative skin resurfacing is a laser procedure that often requires some amount of downtime afterward.

Benign pigmented lesions (hyperpigmentation) treatment

Hyperpigmentation, such as age spots, can be treated with either IPL or lasers, as the imperfection lies in the top layer of skin. The light sources can rapidly destroy the accumulated pigment, which will then gradually grow flaky and fall off in the coming weeks. 

Laser tattoo removal

Laser tattoo removal can be complex because there are so many variables. The ink color, depth of the ink, the size of the tattoo, and other factors all play a role in laser tattoo removal. In most cases, laser tattoo removal requires multiple sessions over a period of months to provide ideal results.

  • Bonus lectures at In-Person Course: Body Contouring and Colorado Rule 800


Jillian Ciocchetti, MD FACS

Dr. Jillian Ciocchetti and her team at Northpoint Aesthetics in Northglenn, Colorado offer aesthetic services such as injectables, cosmetic spider vein treatment, weight loss, aesthetic laser services, acne clearance, advanced skin care treatments, and hair restoration in a professional, friendly and educational environment.

Dr. Jillian Ciocchetti was raised in Arvada, Colorado. She attended medical school at Cornell University in New York City, before training as a general surgeon at Saint Joseph Hospital in Denver, Colorado. She was initially inspired to offer cosmetic services after having her adult acne cleared with advanced techniques, as well as learning how to augment her surgical practice with lasers.

Dr. Ciocchetti is currently a faculty member in the Department of General Surgery at Saint Joseph Hospital in downtown Denver.  Her general surgery practice includes acute care surgery, breast cancer surgery, varicose vein treatments, and the surgical education of residents.  Her aesthetics practice is a part-time venture, but she has a vested interest in ensuring high-quality, ethical aesthetics practices.